Showing 26 - 50 of 477 Results
Restituta: Or, Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature, Reviewed by Sir Egerton Brydges ISBN: 9780461041170 List Price: $18.95
Autobiography, Times, Opinions and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges V1 by Brydges, Egerton ISBN: 9780548216521 List Price: $52.95
Sir Ralph Willoughby by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781151479754 List Price: $20.00
Imaginative Biography, by Sir Egerton Brydges (Volume 2) by Brydges, Egerton ISBN: 9781152329324 List Price: $20.00
Imaginative Biography, by Sir Egerton Brydges (Volume 1) by Brydges, Egerton ISBN: 9781152329300 List Price: $20.00
The Ruminator (1); Containing a Series of Moral, Critical, and Sentimental Essays by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781150302978 List Price: $23.65
Censura Literaria (Volume 6); Containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Book... by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781151228215 List Price: $16.95
Paradise Lost, With Notes by Sir Egerton Brydges by Milton, John ISBN: 9781151772633 List Price: $43.20
Sir Ralph Willoughby, an Historical Tale, by the Author of Coningsby [signed S.e.b.]. by Brydges, Samuel Egerton ISBN: 9780217651677 List Price: $20.00
The Autobiography, Times, Opinions and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges by Brydges, Samuel Egerton ISBN: 9781150097546 List Price: $29.41
Imaginative Biography (Volume 2) by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781458814777 List Price: $20.00
Sir Ralph Willoughby, an Historical Tale, by the Author of Coningsby [Signed S.E.B.]. by Brydges, Samuel Egerton ISBN: 9781143650635 List Price: $31.75
A Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel... by Beltz, George Frederick ISBN: 9781145361539 List Price: $28.75
Sir Ralph Willoughby: An Historical Tale of the Sixteenth Century. in Which Are Inserted the... by Spenser, Edmund, Brydges, E... ISBN: 9781145526112 List Price: $29.75
The Autobiography, Times, Opinions and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges by Brydges, Samuel Egerton ISBN: 9781145337220 List Price: $37.75
Censura Literaria (7-8); Containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, Wi... by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781154226232 List Price: $16.95
Polyanthea Librorum Vetustiorum, Italicorum, Gallicorum Hispanicorum, Anglicanorum, Et Latin... by Brydges, Samuel Egerton ISBN: 9781148280288 List Price: $40.75
The British Bibliographer (Volume 4) by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781153959728 List Price: $35.89
The Ruminator; Containing a Series of Moral, Critical, and Sentimental Essays by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781154025149 List Price: $21.24
Censura Literaria (9-10); Containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, W... by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781154336429 List Price: $19.25
The Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart (Volume 2) by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781154090147 List Price: $25.79
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